Wingsuit Skydive
Andy Ford
Road track leading towards the jump
Location: Centre de Paracaigudisme Costa
Brava, Empuriabrava, north-west Spain
Date: 30/12/2001
Jump Time: 14:20:59 - 14:25:00 (from leaving the aircraft
to the end of the track)
Line Lengths: Dive = 10.17km - Drive = 13.41
Altitude: 13,234 ft - 71 ft
Method: Skydive with wingsuit and parachute
Comments: Mr. Ford purchased a GPS and then used it when
he jumped from an airplane. He wore a wingsuit for greater control during the
decent and a parachute to ensure a safe landing.
Find more about the sport see the Flying Squirrel
Shockwave Viewer
Tracks from the road on the left and the steep freefall with shadow on the right.
Top view