Four flights from northeast Asia
Flight 1 - Inchon, Seoul, Korea to Shenyang,
China. - 751.5 km
Flight 2 - Shenyang to Yanji in Eastern
China. - 523.8 km
Flight 3 - Yanji to Beijing. -
1251.7 km
Flight 4 - Tiajin back to Inchon Seoul,
Korea. - 902.8 km
Total Track Length: 3429.8
Method: Various Strato-cruisers from Korean Airlines
and China Airlines.
Comments: "Had
to fight for all the window seats and my arm hurt. Need to build a mount.
Flight 1: Begining of the track was lost
so starts mid way over the yellow sea. As you can see we fly right around North
Flight 4: New airport near Seoul is East of Inchon on an island, the
map does not show it.." Graham Wood
Shockwave Viewer
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