GPS Drawing [Gallery] [Maps] [Info]

GPS Drawing Hill

top of the hill

aerial image

looking north

Hugh minding the cows

through view

side view

GPSograph_3d GPS Shockwave Viewer

Location: Blewbury Hill Fort, Oxfordshire, England
Date: 05/04/02
Track Length: 4.8 km
Method: Foot
Credits: Hugh Pryor
Comments: "I wanted to make a 3-d map of the hill fort. So I started walking around in random squiggle shape hoping to capture a data cloud for a terrain model. And then all the batteries ran out in my GPS receiver. So I replaced them with some expensive copper-topped batteries. Let's start again, this time on full power. I belted around the perimeter of the field to assess the area of the canvas and figured that I could fit the words "GPS DRAWING" in the area. So after 3 hrs 7 mins and having carefully negotiated a herd of cows and billions of rabbit holes, I had written "GPS DRAWIN". Hmm... I never left enough room for the "G" at the end. So I waited until after sunset and sneaked in to the freshly planted wheat field and slightly trespassed out the final letter."

cardboard model with ultraviolet lighting
Cardboard model, rollover image for ultraviolet lighting.