Twenty Kinds of Drawing (TKD)
These seven workshops accompanied the 'Twenty
Kinds of Drawing' exhibition
as it toured around schools in Southern England.
They involved groups of children of no particular age or ability
and highlighted a process of drawing
that challenges the common excuse "I can't draw". Sometimes they rigidly
marched along to the curriculum,
but more often they were able to meandered freely to create their own shapes
and squiggles.
George Abbot_ Guilford, Surrey, UK 2004/03
Banbury School_ Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK 2004/02
Wheatley Park_ Holton, Oxfordshire, UK 2004/01
Henry Box_ Witney, Oxfordshire, UK 2003/11
Durrington High_ Worthing, West Sussex UK 2003/07
Theale Green_ Theale, Berkshire UK 2003/06
Chichester High_ Chichester, West Sussex UK 2003/05
Twenty Kinds of Drawing was a
exhibition devised by John Gillett, researched by Kate Maple,
Chris Barker and Jane High, with exhibition construction by Kate Groombridge
and workshops by Jeremy Wood.
The exhibition
and school workshop activities were supported by the Clore
Duffield foundation.
The workshops were all conducted in conjunction with the touring exhibition
that presented drawings
from all walks of life: the plans, maps and diagrams, the sketches, blueprints
and instructions
which are essential to the making of the modern world, and which make it possible
to apprehend and navigate. It includes the drawings of planners, architects
and builders,
scientists, researchers, engineers, manufacturers, and marketers; drawings which
are used
to shape the way things are and to explain it. It will include the back-of-the-envelope
of an early concept, the developmental drawings which turn the concept into
a prototype or model,
the final production plans, assembly instructions, packaging diagrams, instructions
for use.
And it will include drawings used for reporting the way things are; army reconnaissance
courtroom drawings, natural history drawings, and the drawing that is meant
to tell you how
to get to the post office from here...